St James Early Years Foundation Stage Intent.

At St James Primary School, we share a collective vision for our children that everything we do we do through LOVE.  It is our aim through the curriculum that all of our children will let their light shine, to give all children opportunities within the classroom and outside within the local area, to instill into every child to value on another through respect and give an enriching education which forms the foundation blocks to continue their educational journey.  We build on the experiences which the children have through play which enables them to investigate and ‘have a go’ as well as continuing to develop their strengths within Physical Development.   The children in our school come from a diverse range of backgrounds which gives strength to People, Culture and Community. 

We will have clear focus on developing breath in Communication and Language as well as Personal, Social and Emotional Development.   We will ensure that each child will be able to listen attentively and hold conversations using a range vocabulary confidently.  This will then support the children to be independent, resilience and have perseverance in the face of challenge.  To achieve this early development, the curriculum skills, knowledge and vocabulary are planned progressively and purposefully for each child.   Within the setting, this will be underpinned by active learning, critical thinking and creativity.

We will prepare the children to achieve a Good Level of Development at the end of the Foundation Stage and ensure that they make good progress from their starting points.  We will support the children through their transition into Key Stage One and continue to build on their skills and knowledge throughout the school while continuing to instill the value of LOVE.  
