
A warm welcome from our Chair of Governors, Marcia Hare.

The Governing Body of St James’ C of E Primary School consists of 12 Governors drawn from the wider community that the school covers including parent, staff, foundation, co-opted and the Local Authority.  The individual members bring a diversity of knowledge, experience and skills to our school. The Governing Body takes a strategic role and acts as a critical friend to the school.

The three core functions of the Governing Body are:

  • Setting strategic direction
    - Clarity of vision and ethos
    - Meeting statutory deadlines
    - Engaging stakeholders
  • Creating robust accountability
    - For teaching, achievement, behaviour and safety
    - Strengthening school leadership
    - Performance managing the Head teacher
    - Contributing to school self-evaluation
  • Ensuring financial probity
    - Solvency and effective financial management
    - Use of Pupil Premium and other resources to overcome barriers to learning

The Governing Body works in partnership with our Head Teacher, the staff, parents, the Local Authority and the Diocese towards the continuing improvement in standards and achievements at our school.

The full Governing Body meets at least once a term. Much of the work is carried out through two main committees, Standards & Curriculum and Finance. Other committees include Pay & Personnel, Health & Safety and Disciplinary & Grievance. All committees meet regularly and report to the full Governing Body. Every Governor is a member of at least one committee.

Some Governors have specific responsibility for certain areas such as specific year groups, Safeguarding, Special Needs and ‘Looked After Children’. This allows the nominated Link-Governor to focus on a particular area, work closely with the relevant staff, and feedback to the full Governing Body.

Governors are expected to visit the school regularly to get to know the staff and pupils and observe our school at work. The visiting Governor reports back to the full Governing Body to help with the strategic role and future direction for our school.


Marcia Hare (Chair of the Governing Body - Co-opted Governor)

I started out as a parent governor at my son’s primary school 28 years ago and then moved on to supporting his secondary school.

I was initially approached by St. James, because it was felt I would be able to bring a fresh set of skills and knowledge to the school. I have enjoyed being the supportive Critical Friend to the school and being a part of the improvement and changes for the pupils and staff alike.

I am an experienced trained manager and have sat on various committees throughout my governing career, including Pay and Personal, Finance Committee, School Improvement Plan Group and Appeals Panel. I have also had experience of sitting in disciplinary hearings, pupil appeals and making some really difficult decisions in helping the school to move forward, as well as monitoring of the schools' improvement.  I have also been involved in the past in the early transition of a local secondary school moving towards Academy status. 
I currently sit as the interim Chair and have had previous experience of being the chair.
I am committed to the improvement and the development of the school overall.  St James is a community, whose high quality pastoral care is at the heart of its ethos.  This is transferred out into the local community and is a strong reflection of the school.
My background experience is that I have worked for a long time in the mental health field and in the Care and Social arena.  My outside interests are that I love to sing, I am a committed Christian and I have been involved in various community groups. 

Rochelle Wilson-Mcintosh (LA Governor)






Sadash Banger (Co-opted Governor)




Zara Jackson (Co-opted Governor)

I joined the governing body in July 2022 as a co-opted governor; I am a resident of Birmingham and have attended schools in both inner city and wider Birmingham. My professional background spans over twenty years, all within the education sector. Where I have worked in various roles for Education and Childhood regulatory bodies and in Higher Education, where I currently am a member of the schools Leadership Team working within the schools of Health, Psychology, Education, Sport and Food.


I have a broad understanding of the education system and I have children who have transitioned through all levels of education from private nurseries, local authority-run nursery schools, Catholic Primary, Free School/Academies (Secondary) to college and universities. I am also a qualified lecturer specialising in Childhood Studies and Education. I am passionate about children developing positive aspirations and enabling individuals to realise their full potential. Which I believe is important for all at St James C of E School. Presently, I serve as the Vice-Chair of the governing body, and I am part of the Standards and Improvement committee; I am also an Exclusion Governor for Birmingham City Council. I hope that my experience and knowledge can help the school make a positive impact on your children's education.


Melina Howard (Parent Governor)

When the opportunity to become a School Governor approached me, I couldn’t have said no. I love working with children and young people, especially ensuring their rights and values are advocated.  Having lived in Handsworth for most of my life, I have a clear understanding in regard to the demographic dynamics and culture. Being the Safeguarding Link Governor, I am able to provide key knowledge in regard to updated Statutory Guidance, policies and procedures.   

I have been a qualified Social Worker for 11 years specialising in child safeguarding. Within my role, I have worked closely with partner agencies including police, doctors, health visitors and teachers. I believe every child has a right to a stable, safe and loving environment both at home and in education and, whilst being on the board, I will ensure this is promoted by all members.

Jodion Elliott (Parent Governor)

As a mother of four children, I feel that I have a great understanding of the needs of both the parents and children, as well as the importance of the role of a teacher or member of the support staff working in a school.

I am someone who has worked with children, and someone who understands both the parents’ point of view, and the children’s needs.

I am a qualified Early Years practitioner, who has worked with children from 0 to 16 years, with over 13 years’ experience, and I have also had experience as a youth worker.

My experiences have allowed me to understand the importance of the Early Years Foundation Stage, as well as the National Curriculum, and the needs of children as a whole, in order for them to reach their full potential in the learning environment.

I have a huge imagination. I am a very outgoing and friendly person, always wanting the best for others and our young people, someone who is very creative, very practical and very hands-on.

I believe I have the drive, and I’m full of enthusiasm, commitment and a passion for children’s education that will help St. James to move forward.


Father Clement Pascal (Foundation Governor)





Dr Kirandeep Sahota (Foundation Governor)

I have lived in Handsworth and been educated in the schools in our local area.  I am now a local business woman.

I agreed to be a school governor, as I believe that every child deserves an excellent education.  I am proud to be a Foundation Governor at the school, as it enables me to be an agent for bettering children’s education.

My future hope for our school is to allow every single one of our children to learn and to grow to their full potential, making a change and proving that every child from any background can become whatever they hope to be.


Jayne Pritchard (Staff Governor)



Sarah Smith (Head Teacher)

I am the Head Teacher at St James having joined the school in 2006. I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching the children here as well as leading in many areas such as Maths, Curriculum, PSHE. As Deputy for the last 5 years I have been heavily involved in developing the teaching and learning as well as safeguarding. I went to primary school in my home town of Ormskirk in Lancashire and I cherish every memory from that time - our goal here is to give every child memorable experiences that they carry with them into their adulthood. 

I believe a child learns best when happy and valued, and it is from this stance that I lead the school. As the Head I work alongside the governors to achieve this. We continually strive to adapt and grow so that we meet the standards expected for primary school children.
