Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Statement

At St James, all staff have high aspirations and ambitions for all of our children and are dedicated to providing the highest quality education and opportunity for all whatever their background. We strongly believe that by overcoming barriers, all children can make outstanding progress and achieve great things.

The Pupil Premium funding that we receive from the Government, allows us to break down these barriers for children, enabling them to have the same chance in life as everybody else. Barriers that include low confidence and self-esteem, difficulty in speaking and listening, difficulty in reading, writing, maths, financial difficulties, poor mental health or poor relationships with their peers. COVID 19 and the subsequent lockdowns have also added additional challenges for children. In order to break down these barriers, we listen to our children as individuals and personalise their learning through effective use of Pupil Premium funding.

The document below details the funding, the impact of the spending for last year, and our intentions for spending for the year ahead and the following 3 years.

Please click link below to view our full Pupil Premium Statement.
