SEND Help & Support

Hello, I am Mrs Nandra, the school's SEND Lead (SENDCO). I support the children in school identified with, or suspected of having, a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND). 

At St James CE Primary School, we pride ourselves on being inclusive and as supportive as we can to both our pupils and parents.

Some pupils have a range of needs that require additional support in school. You can find further information about how our school supports these pupils from our SEND information report and SEND Policy, which are located in the 'Statutory information' section of our school website.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities:

On 1st September 2014, legislation came into effect for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities [SEND]. The SEND Code of Practice: 0-25 years (DfE, January 2015) provides schools with guidance to ensure that the right provision is provided for all pupils with SEND so that they succeed with their education and make a successful transition to adulthood.

What does it mean if my child is identified as having SEND?

If your child is identified with, or suspected of having, a special educational need, you will be informed by their class teacher or by the schools SENDCO. With your consent, your child will be added to our school SEND Database as ‘SEN Support’. An Individual ‘My Targets’ plan will be created for your child, outlining SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) targets relating to their personal area/s of need.

The class teacher, in consultation with the SENDCO, and outside agencies where appropriate, will devise provision to support your child with reaching their targets. These will be reviewed during Assess, Plan, Do, Review meetings at the end of every term with your child and their class teacher. You will be sent home a copy of the reviewed targets and are given the opportunity to share your thoughts on your child’s progress. A face to face meeting can be arranged upon request.

Children identified with a higher level of SEND may have an SEN Support Plan or EHCP.  These will have been created in consultation with parents, school, outside agencies and the child (if appropriate). As above SMART targets and provision to meet your child’s needs will be developed and reviewed during an Assess, Plan, Do, Review meeting between Parents/ carers, staff at school, outside agencies and the child (where appropriate).

What are the different areas of SEND? 

The needs of a child with SEND will fall under one or more of these four areas, as outlined in the SEND Code of Practice:

  • Communication and Interaction
  • Cognition and Learning
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties
  • Sensory and/or Physical needs

Do you need to talk to the SENDCO?

Please contact Mrs Nandra if you would like to discuss anything related to special educational needs. Mrs Nandra is available to meet with parents most mornings, at the start of the school day or end of the day. It is always advisable to make an appointment so that a mutually convenient date and time can be arranged, allowing adequate time for discussion.  

Contact methods: Phone school office and request an appointment.
