Support from Outside Agencies
Outside Agencies: Who are they and what do they do?
These are the external services we seek advice and support from for children identified as needing Wave 3 (Specialist) Support. Parental consent is always sought before any referrals are made.
Communication and Autism Team (CAT): Rebecca Hitchins
- Provide support to children and young people, parents, carers, schools and academies in Birmingham.
- Work closely with settings to develop good autism practice through utilising the Autism Education Trust (AET) framework.
- Deliver staff training, e.g. AET level 1, Autism Good Practice
- Ongoing support and advice, to settings, ensures that autistic children and young people can access learning and develop life skills that will enable them to fulfil their educational, social and employment potential.
- For enquiries from parents/ carers: CATParentEnquiries@birmingham.gov.uk
Educational Psychologist (EP): Dr Peter D’Lima
- Completing initial observation of a child following a referral made by school.
- Meetings with parents and carers.
- 1:1 session/s with the child.
- Writing a summary report for school and parents and carers, outlining clear recommendations.
- Sharing resources and strategies with staff and parents and carers to use in school and at home.
- Training for staff e.g. Precision Teaching, Positive Behaviour Management, Mediation, Emotion Coaching, using TEACCH task trays
- Regular liaison with the Inclusion Team in school.
Pupil and School Support (PSS): Kerrie Green
- Completing an initial assessment of a child following a referral made by school.
- Telephone discussions with parents and carer.
- Writing a summary report for school and parents and carers, outlining clear recommendations.
- Training and support for staff e.g. Makaton, Quality First Teaching approaches
- Sharing resources and strategies with staff and parents and carer to use in school and at home.
- Completing a review assessment in the next academic year, if required.
- Loaning specific programmes or resources to support individual pupils.
- Regular liaison with the Inclusion Team in school.
Speech and Language Therapist (SALT): Shui Kei Yip
- Completing an initial assessment of a child following a referral made by school.
- Telephone discussions with parents and carers.
- More regular therapy for a small number of pupils.
- Writing a report for school and parents and carers outlining specific, individual targets to work on with the child.
- Sharing resources and strategies with staff and parents and carer to use in school and at home.
- Completing a review assessment in the next academic year, if required.
- Regular training for staff e.g. Teaching Children to Listen, Wellcomm Primary.
- Regular liaison with the Inclusion Team in school.
What the OA’s say about us: