Exciting Experiences - Bringing Our Learning to Life
Year 2 Trip to Botanical Gardens
For their topic ‘Scented Garden’, Year 2 visited the Botanical Gardens. The day was packed full of learning from the moment they stepped off the coach. In the morning they learnt all about how plants grow and pollination.
After the lesson, they were given free time to explore the beautiful gardens. As they looked around the gardens, they looked for different plants in different climates. They discovered a bamboo maze and a relaxing pond. For lunch, they sat under the oldest tree in the Botanical Gardens and listened to the parrots squawking.
In the afternoon, they continued to look at plants in different climates. They learnt about plants in the mountains, the Mediterranean and the tropical climates.
Year 2 Explorers Workshop
Year 2 had a wonderful time during their Explorers Workshop learning about how significant explorers from the past have influenced our understanding of the world and communities.
The workshop inspired the children to conduct their own research into explorers and produce a fantastic biography about the life and contributions made by our chosen explorers.
Minibeast Workshop
Year 2 took part in an interactive workshop about minibeast as part of our wriggle and crawl topic. The children learnt why minibeasts are important within our world and how they have a positive impact on local ecosystems. Each child had the opportunity to observe and hold a wide variety of live minibeasts such as stick insects, centipedes, scorpions and snakes. Year 2 looked carefully at each creature and discussed each animal’s external physical features learning how each of the animals adapts to survive within their habitat.
Year 2 visits to a Mosque
Children in Year 2 visited Birmingham Central Mosque. The purpose of this trip was to build on learning from our RE lessons which this term has centred around the religion of Islam and in particular the topic of Prayer. Children were given the opportunity to tour the mosque and learn about the different facilities at the mosque such as the wudu area where Muslims typically cleanse themselves before they pray. The key question for this enquiry was to understand how praying at regular intervals helps Muslims in his or hers everyday life and how we can draw on this area of commitment in our own lives. We also learned about how the mosque often acts as a community hall for the wider public where they offer wedding, funeral and educational amenities. During our visit, we were able to see a model of the Prophets mosque in Medina and compare it to Birmingham Central Mosque in terms of the number of domes, minarets and overall design, capacity and location. Year 2 were taken through the ritual of the prayer and told about the Adhan which is a call to prayer performed by the mosque's muezzin. Copies of the Quran were also displayed around the Mosque both in the native Arabic language and English translation, and we were shown where the mimbar was situated - the area of the mosque where a mosque elder conducts and orchestrates the prayer with the congregation following behind him. To end, our guide gave us a brief overview of the Islamic discourse and the many similarities the religion has to other world religions which compel, bind and bring us closer together. The trip ensured Year 2 returned to the classroom with enriched vocabulary to continue their learning on the Islamic tradition.
Please click on the video below to see our year 2 group welcome presentation.