Exciting Experiences - Bringing Our Learning to Life
Year 3 Trip to Lunt Roman Fort
Year 3 went to Lunt Roman Fort. They enjoyed becoming a soldier in the Roman army. They learnt how to speak Latin and fight like a Roman.
The children dressed and fought like Roman soldiers, carrying their swords and shields as they marched into battle.
What a fabulous day they had!
Year 3 Stone Age Workshop
As part of our Stone Age topic the children took part in a workshop with Dom. Dom shared his expertise with the children, taking them back 1.4 million years ago, through the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age.
The children engaged with a range of activities, becoming Stone Age children, completing map work, capturing a woolly mammoth and building their own version of Stone Henge.
Year 3’s Trip to the Falconry Centre
The children in Year 3 enjoyed their first trip of the new academic year to The Falconry Centre. The children were able to walk around the centre and look at a wide range of birds of prey from all around the world. The children learnt about the birds’ features, natural habitats and diets.
Some birds were flown in front of the children, and they even got to see a Peregrine Falcon fly over 70mph. This bird can reach a speed of over 200mph!
Children will use this experience and learning to create their own leaflet on their chosen bird of prey.
Our trip to Cadbury World
To start our Scrumdiddlyumtious topic we visited Cadbury World. Before going on the trip we learnt about the history of Cadbury and began thinking about the impact they had on Bournville.
While on the coach we saw the Bournville Village and found some historical pictures of the village when it was first built.
Throughout the day we spoke with experts about the history of chocolate, how it is farmed and how Cadbury have created a brand.
After a day of questioning, tasting, smelling, and creating we all agreed that the day had been perfect!
Our Predators Workshop
In September, we were visited by Dave. He has been collecting predators for many years, and he bought some of his collection in to show us. Although some teachers were feeling nervous, we were really brave as we got to meet bearded dragons, hawks, owls, toads and a scorpion. We learnt lots of amazing new facts about predators, and we used all the information we learnt to create our own ultimate predator. One of our favourite facts we learnt was that scorpions glow in the dark if you shine a blue light on them!